27 July 2011

A really big boat.

Three cheers to being done with college classes! We celebrated in high style. On a boat. With white terry bath robes and a margarita or five. Pish-posh. (Jokingggg).

We laid out on the boat deck. We're much more tan than we were a week ago. We witnessed beautiful caribbean sunsets. We're full of icecream -complimentary soft serve machine, I miss you already. We laughed at tipsy vacationers and karaoke singers. We learned how to fold towel animals. We gambled away 2 dollars at the penny slots. We danced the Macarena. We slept a lot (I might have a problem, see here).

Also, Bud turned 22 while Scuba diving in Meh-hee-co. Aye-Aye-Aye! Cha Cha Cha.


  1. Yay for being done with college (mostly!) - I'm super jealous that you got to go on a cruise, I've been dying for some "tropicality" in my life.
    and your pictures are so good! you should be a photographer.

  2. Aw thank you so much :) So are yours!! I love looking at them. Aren't you a professional photographer for your job now? I'm jealous of that!
