13 May 2011

You belong in the zoo.

Tuesday, Bud and I went to The Riverbanks Zoo and Garden. It was our last hurrah before finishing school and entering the grown-up world with big people jobs! Well, maybe not our last hurrah. I'll always be a kid at heart.

Things learned:

- Monkeys are people too.

- Don't wear cute shoes, because you never know when your boyfriend will stumble upon a rocky hiking trail.

- Flamingos make me laugh, but can be vicious! (note first picture).

- Grizzly bears are not as cute as Cinnamon Black Bears.

- Although we're not very creative photo-boothers, my lemur face is spot-on. 8)

- Cherry lemonade Icees are the best old school treats ehh-ver.

- Oh, and I want one (or 5) of these. I'm obsessed. It's okay.

1 comment:

  1. Your boyfriend reminds me SO much of my husband (just in reading your past few blogs); we cannot go ANYWHERE without him finding some trail to hike up (or drive his truck up!). I have definitely learned to bring extra shoes with me wherever we go, because most of the time it takes an "outdoorsy" turn
