18 March 2011

Back in the swing of things.

Something that never gets old: driving back to Boone and rolling down my windows the moment I see a mountainous skyline. The mountain air has a quality like no other. A crisp, clean, delightful mix. It reminds me how truly blessed I am to live in this charming, unique little town.

I miss home, but I love Boone and I'm happy to be back in routine. Especially:

- My morning stop at Stick Boy for Vanilla Bean Tea and a Brioche Man. Everything they make is decadent and delicious. I can't walk past the place without going inside.

- A mid-morning nap that usually passes too quickly, but leaves me refreshed to start the day (again). Let's face it - I'm just not a morning person and I'm typically delirious and disfunctional throughout my entire first class. After waking up a second time, things go a little smoother.

- Looking out my kitchen window and spotting Earth Fare (which simultaneously makes me crave their curry chicken salad on a daily basis). It also makes me long for the farmer's market to open (May 1st, be nice and hurry up!).

- Aimless walks around town, because sometimes that is all I need to raise my spirits after a stressful week of school work. Today's weather was perfect.

Ps, Notice the Moonshine Jelly? Only in Boone..

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