02 June 2011

Birthday highlights.

Yesterday I was The Birthday Girl!

22nd Birthday Itinerary:
6:30am - Woke up. I started my day off early - partly from excitement, partly because of Exercise Phys Lab at 8am. I didn't do any exercising, because birthdays are for indulging, not working out. Right? Also talked to my parents and some friends. I had birthday cake for breakfast (compliments of my roomie)!

10:15am - Bud picked me up from class and surprised me with brunch - Boone Bagelry sandwiches!

10:30am - Passport renewal appointment.

11:30am - Walked into my apartment to see the most unexpected of surprises...

True story. Every single time I go to Walmart, I shamelessly ride this cruiser around the sports section of the store. That is, until I noticed that it was missing a few days ago, and my heart sunk...until, SURPRISE!! I'm in love with my new beach mountain cruiser and my wonderful boyfriend. I can't wait to buy a basket for it so I can ride to the farmer's market and bring back goodies. Or, put a kitten in it. Yes, I will be that girl...

12:00pm - I was anxious so we went for a bike ride along The Green Way. My legs got sunburnt, but the breeze was nice.

3:30pm - Nap time/getting ready/reading the sweet messages that my friends and family left me.

7:30pm - Reservations at Casa Rustica for dinner. Italian loaf with olive oil, herbs and parmesan. Bleu cheese potato soup and a caesar salad. Tiramisu (my absolute favorite dessert)!

9:30pm - Fell asleep before our movie date could even begin. Oops. Thanks, food coma.

Best 22nd birthday of my life! ;)

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