30 May 2011

A day at the Beech.

On Sunday, we went to the Beech. Beech Mountain, that is. Not to be mistaken as Beach Mountain, which got my hopes up entirely. I halfway expected to see a sandy shoreline and seagulls on top of the hill. Okay, I'm not that naive. There was water, but in the form of rain. We didn't let that disappoint, though. I love a good spring shower. They don't last very long, and they cool everything down. We sat under a big umbrella, listened to the pitter patter of the raindrops...and ate birthday cake flavored ice cream from Fred's general store. Let me just tell you that rain is so much better than snow. Speaking of which, do you see the snow gage in the 5th photo? 2009-2010 hit the top line in total inches. Judging from Bud's face, yeah.. we don't wanna talk about it, haha.

On our way to Beech Mtn, we passed the Banner Elk Herb Festival. We saw putt putt, a dunking booth, funnel cakes, and craft stands so we had to stop.

We also drove to the top of the ski slopes. Instead of layers of fresh powder, a rusty ski lift ran along a deserted field of buttercups and dandelions. I made an early birthday wish, and then we headed back down. What a wonderful day! And did I mention the pretty sunset that night? Hot pink clouds. So very beautiful.

29 May 2011

I love my Mom.

A wonderful weekend was just icing on the cupcake after such a great week. Especially because my mom took time out of her busy schedule to come visit me.

On Friday - we ate at Woodlands, saw a movie, had a sleepover, and stayed up late gossiping like teenagers. On saturday, I took her to all of my favorite places around Boone. I think it's safe to say that she fell in love with this town. I told her that should should come live with me. If that doesn't happen, I told her to convince my Dad that moving to the mountains would make for the perfect post-retirement plan.

Saturday, we woke up on her time (aka 6:45am), but she graciously let me get another hour of sleep before starting the day. By 8:30, we were admist the morning crowd at the Farmer's Market. Coffee in hand, we gawked at colorful flowers and veggies, sampled cheeses, dips, and spreads, and admired the craft stands. The later afternoon consisted of eating yummy bagel sandwiches, thrifting, outlet shopping, purchasing 4 "scoops of calm", and walking around until our feet hurt.

"Scoops of Calm" = dried lavendar from Bless Your Heart - the cutest boutique I have ever stepped foot into. They had complimentary lemonaide, bookmarks, and tissue paper poppies for Memorial Day. Adore.

23 May 2011

Back in the spring of things.

I knew I chose this apartment for a reason.

There I was, mid January, wondering why we chose this location over our other choice (which was 10 feet from my main building). Instead, I have a 10 minute walk to the Convo Center. Mind you, I feel very blessed to live within easy walking distance this year. Last year, my roommate and I took the bus back and forth, atleast 3 times a day. Combine crazy bus drivers that don't know how to drive on ice with sketchy characters that like to invade your personal bubble and freak you out and you get...the Appalachain Appalcart System. If you're ever in Boone, do not take the Green Route. Traumatic.

10 minutes is a perfect little walk, but the winter's blizzard conditions made it no bueno. Now that it is spring time, I am happy to walk to class again!

So happy, that I might even turn those 10 minutes into 12 minutes and take a little detour, just so I can stroll along the pretty pickett fence that surrounds Dan'l Boone Inn. Our street is covered in pretty flowers.

Or, I might just play hookie and plop myself down on that little bench with a book that is NOT entitled "Physiology of Sport and Exercise". Raise your hand if you think that textbooks are overrated. Both of my hands are raised.

22 May 2011

Happy Campers.

Our first camping trip of the season was this weekend! I've mentioned this before, but I became a lot more "granola" when I moved to the mountains. These days, I enjoy being outdoorsy - for a short period of time atleast. Heck, I even own Chacos.

We hiked to my favorite overlook along the parkway (Beacon Heights), and laughed at our boyfriends who were pretending to be Bear Grylls. We picniced for lunch, and smoked hotdogs for dinner. Also, it's a known fact that you can't go camping without making s'mores. Duh. But, we took it a step further and made banana boats! Banana boats are kind of like the banana split of camping - minus the ice cream. Instead, add giant marshmallows, and chocolate bars. Wrap in tin foil, and throw in the fire. Roast. Unwrap, and add crumbled graham crackers. Eat.

Despite the inevitable daddy long legs and sketchy outhouses that remind you of a scene from a horror film -it was a fun weekend. It seems my 1 year in Girl Scouts paid off. I'm pretty much a pro at this sort of thing.

14 May 2011

Trader Joe's.

Call me a dork, but I could walk around a grocery store for hours - similar to the fact that I could walk around Target for hours. I should probably own stock in Target. Anyways, make it a whole foods-type store, and I'm a happy girl. Yesterday, I went to Trader Joe's, and boy do I love Trader Joe's. Their packaging alone makes me want to buy everything in sight. Also, because the entire store is jungle themed. Another also - they have really pretty flower bouquets at shockingly cheap prices, and you know how much I love flowers.

I left with only the necessitities: almond butter, blood orange soda, banana babies, granola, green tea mints, Luna bars, and dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. See? Necessities, because I've decided that I can't live without dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. They taste like raisinets, only better.

13 May 2011

Across the Pond.

I love roadtrips. Who doesn't? You don't have to ask me twice to jump in the car and drive to anywhere. Or, to nowhere. This is as long as I'm the passenger. Actual driving kinda freaks me out, so I always hand the keys to Bud.

Still, I don't think a single road trip that I've ever been on could top driving through Europe. Especially the countryside. I've been blessed enough to visit a few different countries, but none of them have left a lasting impression on me like Scotland has. I love how the entire country seemed completely untouchable. It wasn't fussy. It was rustic, simple, and natural with breathtaking views. At the same time, it was colorful, lively and filled with quirky culture - many of the same reasons that I love living in Boone so much.

Plus, breakfast was the highlight of the day - served on dainty floral china. The food was grown and purchased locally; mostly organic. They served milk out of cute little pitcher, and everything was quaint and perfect.

My wanderlust heart is at it again, and I would give anything to be in Scotland. The perfect little seaside town of Oban Bay, if we're being picky.

Oh, and you see that little celtic cross up high on the hill? We hiked to the top. I promise that it's a lot further away than it seems. It was a proud moment.

*Photos from a trip during my senior year of high school.

You belong in the zoo.

Tuesday, Bud and I went to The Riverbanks Zoo and Garden. It was our last hurrah before finishing school and entering the grown-up world with big people jobs! Well, maybe not our last hurrah. I'll always be a kid at heart.

Things learned:

- Monkeys are people too.

- Don't wear cute shoes, because you never know when your boyfriend will stumble upon a rocky hiking trail.

- Flamingos make me laugh, but can be vicious! (note first picture).

- Grizzly bears are not as cute as Cinnamon Black Bears.

- Although we're not very creative photo-boothers, my lemur face is spot-on. 8)

- Cherry lemonade Icees are the best old school treats ehh-ver.

- Oh, and I want one (or 5) of these. I'm obsessed. It's okay.

09 May 2011

Mums. (pun intended)

Well these are not exactly mums, but are they not gorgeous? Perfect fleurs for Mother's Day. If I could start my career path over, I would simply become a jack of all trades and open up a boutique that sells everything that I love - including fresh cut flowers, scrapbook paper, craft supplies, scarves, nail polish, (and...icecream? yes, duh). 

We brought this bouquet home from the farmer's market yesterday, hoping to display them in the kitchen. Of course - Ricky likes to eat flowers, so they have been moving from room to room, trying to find safety. They've been everywhere that you can't enjoy their prettiness.. the hall closet, the laundry room, the bathroom, the basement, etc. The darn cat climbs tall furniture without claws - impressive.

We also took a pit stop at JR's dairy bar on the way home. Their towering soft serve cones are one of my favorite childhood memories! I can happily say that this weekend was dedicated to celebrating my sweet mamma. (Hey mom! I know you're reading this. Love ya).

07 May 2011

Charlotte Regional Farmer's Market.

So, here is something Exciting!

My to do list no longer consists of items such as...

"Finalize internship plans" (okay, that one is still on top)
"Pass all exams with flying colors"
"Presentations for seminar class"
"Lose vital sleep"
"Forget to eat"
"Scream head off out of overwhelming frustration with school"

and instead, reads..

"Investigate potential new sea foam green nailpolish* at Ulta"

"Shop for upcoming bridal shower gifts!!"
"Watch (and memorize dance moves from?) Burlesque - Haaa"

"Visit Charlotte Regional Farmer's Market"
"Start a happy little herb garden with mom"

Check. Check. Check. Check. Check.

We bought an abundance of fresh veggies, herbs (rosemary, cilantro, basil, thyme, and spearmint), as well as the most beautiful fresh cut flowers I have seen all year. My roommate's family owns a greenhouse, and I am a tad bit jealous that she gets to work the farmer's market every Saturday.

*Essie's Absolutely Shore

05 May 2011

Highlights from the week. (Heading home!)

1. A pile of spring clothes. Exciting for two reasons. One, because it's finally warm enough to pull out my warm weather wardrobe and obsess over all of the clothes I've missed for the past 8 months. Two, because it means that I packed up most of my life and headed home for a long and much needed break!

2. Goodbye Boone, Hello Parkway! The fact that my typical two hour drive back into Charlotte turned into a nearly four hour drive (thanks to some unexpected and unexplained detours...) doesn't matter. I am home.

3. I bought a "mini" Orchid. I just realized that I have never owned a potted anything of my own, and if I can't have a kitten, this will have to do. It's pretty, let's hope it stays alive for more than a week.

4. Greetings from a sleepy furball.

5. Oh, the luxury of eating real food! In my bed. In my pajamas.

Honorable Mentions:

1. I finally saw Water for Elephants and now I can fully understand why people obsess over Robert Pattison. This movie proves that he is not only limited to playing a teenage-dreamy vampire. I'm kind of bummed that I didn't get around to reading the book first, but I've heard the movie compares well.

2. A perfectly cozy southern dinner at Knight's on Main in Blowing Rock, after getting caught raincoat and umbrella-less when the sky fell out.

01 May 2011

Grandfather knows best.

If you had asked me two years ago, I wouldn't have considered myself as someone that loves to be outside. (Like I've said, I like to be cozy). In some ways, living in Boone has definitely changed my perspective. Not that I'm an avid outdoorswoman, by any means. Bugs and snakes, poison ivy, rocky cliffs, sore muscles, dehydration, and terrifying heights are not a few of my favorite things.

At the same time, the Appalachian Mountains have a unique and raw beauty that you can't find anywhere else. Breathtaking views that suddenly put everything else into perspective. Suddenly, all of my problems seem so small. It doesn't even matter that my camera dramatically fell into the only puddle of water on the entire mountain. (Uh, but what are the odds? Just my luck. Don't worry mom, it's still miraculously working!)

Sarcasm aside, I am beyond blessed to call this place my home away from home. One of them, atleast. Charleston, you're up high on that list.

Bud and I spent Saturday at Grandfather Mountain. A much needed break in the middle of exams. We're working hard to visit every touristy spot before it's time to move back to Charlotte and join the grown up world. Plus - they had Cinnamon Black Bears, and I wanted to take one home with me.