I am perfectly fine with long lasting days this week. I love being well rested and stress free - i.e. enjoying my walks to campus, taking notes/doodling, multiple naps during the day, baking mixed berry scones (x2), intense spring cleaning, and more antique store thrifting. I don't even mind the sporadic thunder storms we've been having.
At the same time, I am equally as fine with the week passing by. There are officially three and a half weeks left in my last semester of college!!...but who is counting? (me.)
It's definitely bittersweet, and honesly it hasn't hit me yet. Really, there is no need to rush. I'm sure that I'll be longing for the days when I could take a cat nap in between doing work, eat out for nearly every meal, and live with my best friends.
Ps, Forsythia is one of the best things about this time of year. You can't turn the corner without spotting atleast one of these bright yellow bushes - and then you can't help but smile.